Connecting readers worldwide with Gaelic language & culture

Bradan means “salmon” in Scottish Gaelic and refers to the Salmon of Wisdom in Gaelic oral tradition. We publish books about Scottish Gaelic culture and more, from an inclusive perspective.
Sale Ends Monday at Midnight AST

Sale Ends Monday at Midnight AST

September 2024 Sale A reminder that the sale ends on Monday 30 September at 11:59pm Atlantic time! The sale for our fiscal year end features FREE SHIPPING and 10% off all backlist (pre-2024) titles with coupon code FOGHAR24 in our Canadian and US online shops! Shop Here CANADA 🇨🇦 - USA 🇺🇸 - SCOTLAND & REST OF WORLD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🌐 - We're sorry we can't extend the sale to you, but please find our books at the Gaelic Books Council online shop and wherever books are sold online! Fine print: Backlist titles on sale include all of our books published before 2024. The following are not included in the 10% discount: 2024 titles, Book Boxes (which are already...

Sale Ends Monday at Midnight AST

Autumn Sale

It’s a sale for the month of September with 10% off all backlist titles and free shipping to Canada and the USA unti 9/30!

Happy Thanksgiving! / Latha a’ Bhuidheachais sona dhuibh! 🦃🇨🇦 Tha sinn taingeil dhuibh uile airson ur cuid taice an-diugh agus gach latha! We’re thankful to you all for your support, today and every day! ❤️📚
We are exhibiting at @acmecomiccon this weekend! Setting up this afternoon at the SEC in Glasgow 🤩🍁 #graphicnovels #gaelucns #gaelic #novascotia #canada
Bradan Press is thrilled to be bringing our Gaelic & Scottish books to KILT-ober in Debert, NS next month—the first Canadian Halloween-themed Highland Games! 🍁🎃🍂

#highlandgames #gaelicns #gaelicbooks #childrensbooks #novascotia
Bandcamp is waiving their percentage of sales again today (Friday, Sep 6)! It's another great chance to support a small Gaelic business and a Gaelic author by buying our enchanting musical audiobook Ràithean airson Sireadh / Seasons for Seeking by Lodaidh MacFhionghain.

Listen to the free sample track "Àm an Fhoghair - The Harvest" at the l i n k in our b i o !
The digital download features:
🔹 Poetry read aloud in Gaelic & English by the author
🔹 Instrumental music by Wayne MacIntyre (guitar) and Saeed Foroughi (hammered dulcimer, setar, harp, and flute).
🔹 Original poems by the author for the Gaelic seasons
🔹 Gaelic translations of the poems of Rumi as interpreted by Coleman Barks
🔹 2.5 hours of audio
🔹 Bonus Bandcamp tracks! - all the Gaelic spoken-word audio without English or music, especially for Gaelic learners
It's been a VERY challenging year for Canadian book publishers, and Bradan Press is no exception. We need your support to survive! So we're having a SALE for our fiscal year end: 10% off all backlist titles and free shipping with coupon code FOGHAR24 in both our Canadian and US online shops!

Use the sale coupon here until midnight September 30, 2024:
USA 🇺🇸 -

Fine print:
The following are not included in the 10% discount: 2024 titles, Book Boxes, flags, and gift cards. HOWEVER, those items ARE included in the free shipping, as long as you also have a 10% discount book in your order. Any questions, drop us a line!

#gaelic #gaelicns #gaelicbooks #novascotia
Author Margaret MacKay and publisher Emily McEwan had a lovely time in Parrsboro on Saturday afternoon at @vickeryhousebooks talking about Lisette of #Louisbourg, Iain of New Scotland, and all things #Gaelic under the author tent in a beautiful breeze! We even found out that Vickery House mascot Boots is the Maine Coon Cat cousin to Tigre, the cat on the cover of Lisette!
Bradan Press is delighted to announce that we'll be at the Maine Highland Games this coming Saturday with our Gaelic books and free storytime sessions for all ages! 📚 Looking forward to seeing you all! 💙 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 💙 #gaelic #gaelicns #highlandgames #childrensbooks
Come see us at @dartmouthcomix - DCAF 2024! Today until 5pm!
Come see us this afternoon in downtown Halifax at the @haligonianvendormarket!
Come see us at DCAF on Sunday August 11th, 10am-5pm in Dartmouth! ⛴️ #childrensbooks #gaelicbooks #graphicnovels
We’ll be vending this Saturday at the Light House Arts Centre on Argyle Street in Halifax—looking forward to seeing you there! 💙📚 #halifax #craftfair #indiebooks #gaelic #gaelicbooks
It’s July already...MO CHREACH, where has the year gone?! ⏳ We’ll have an update for our wonderful supporters very soon on socials (and by email for customers with preorders). Mìle taing airson ur cuid taice! 🌟
@callingcorners in Truro, Nova Scotia, has been wonderful about stocking & selling Bradan Press books! Sadly they are now closing down. 😭 Everything is now on sale for 30% off until the end of June when they close. Although we're sad to say it, this is the lowest price you'll find Bradan Press books ever sold for, so if there's a book you've been waiting to buy, please see if Calling Corners has it available! You'll be helping two small Nova Scotian businesses. 💜🩵 #buylocal #novascotia #gaelicbooks #gaelic #gaelicns
BOOK LAUNCH / CUR-AIR-BHOG 🌟 Join us on Sat. 18th May at Stornoway Library for the launch of An Cat Coigreach with local author June Ghreumach!

This event is for children aged 8-12 and Gaelic learners of all ages! We’ll have juice & biscuits and the author will read aloud from the book. A summary will be provided in English. 

The reading will be followed by a book signing and sale. There will also be a chance to chat with Bradan Press publisher Emily McEwan who is visiting from Nova Scotia.


June Ghreumach received the 2019 Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award for Gaelic Childrens Fiction.

An Cat Coigreach is the winner of the award for Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children/Young People / Làmh-sgìobhainn Neo-fhoillsichte as Fheàrr do Chloinn/Òigridh in the Duaisean Litreachais 2022 / Gaelic Literature Awards 2022.

Pangur is a black cat living happily with his family in Bern, a beautiful city in Switzerland – until the day they decide to return to Scotland! Now he is a foreign cat in Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis, and the other cats are not being kind to him. Pangur decides to leave the island and return to Bern. Surely his family will return too when the autumn storms start…won’t they? Follow Pangur’s adventures across the country, escaping from one danger after the next, until he learns the importance of friends and family.

’S e cat dubh a th’ ann am Pangur agus tha e a’ fuireach gu dòigheil leis a theaghlach ann am Bern, baile brèagha san Eilbhis – gus an latha a tha iad a’ cur romhpa tilleadh a dh’Alba! A-nis tha e na chat coigreach ann an Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais, agus chan eil na cait eile coibhneil ris idir. Tha Pangur a’ cur roimhe gum fàg e an eilean agus gun till e gu Bern. Agus tillidh a theaghlach cuideachd nuair a thig na stoirmean as t-fhoghar … nach till? Leanaibh na cuairtean-dànach Phanguir thar na dùthcha, a’ teicheadh bho chunnart an dèidh cunnart, gus an ionnsaich e cho cudromach ’s a tha càirdean agus teaghlach. #scottishgaelicchildrensbooks #gàidhlig #gaelic
We had a delightful afternoon exhibiting at the Publishing Scotland Trade Fair on Wednesday in Edinburgh! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙 It was lovely to meet Scottish  booksellers, including both current and prospective retailers of Bradan Press books!
All are invited to a Gaelic children’s book launch at the library in Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais, on Saturday 18th May! The book is perfect for kids aged 8-12 and up, and Gaelic learners of all ages.

Author June Ghreumach will be giving a reading and signing books, and we’ll have juice & biscuits and a game of “Pin the tail on the cat”.

Publisher Emily McEwan will be visiting from Nova Scotia for the launch as well, so please feel free to stop by and say hi!

We’re also having a launch for the book on Friday 24th May in Glasgow at the Gaelic Books Council shop—check our Facebook page for that event link! #gaelic #stornoway #isleoflewis #booklaunch #gaelicchildrensbooks
Tha Clò a' Bhradain fo bhròn a chluinntinn gun do chaochail Mìcheal MacNìll (Mìcheal Eòin Chaluim Sheumais Mhóir). Mar a sgrìobh Oifis Iomairtean na Gàidhlig, "Le a choibhneas is ’na dhòigh aotrom a bh’aige ’s ann aig cruinneachaidhean nan Gàidheal a bhiodh Migi. Is e a bhiodh daonnan deiseil is deònach òran a ghabhail air neo naidheachd innseadh. Le bhi ag oideachadh iomadh Gàidheal eile ’s a’ choimhearsnachd againn, chuidich e ann an dòighean beaga is móra gus a’ Ghàidhlig is a cultur a ghléidheadh ann an Albainn Nuaidh thro a làthaireachd chaoimh is bheartais do dhualchas."

Ann an 2021 bha cothrom againn a dh'obair còmhla ri Migi agus an Dr. Seumas Y. Dòmhnallach air sgeulachd a dh'ionnsaich Migi bho a mhàthair, an sgeulachd as fheàrr leis: Luran agus a' Mhaighdeann-mhara. Rinn sinn leabhar às a sgeulachd seo còmhla ri chèile, le dealbhan grinn le Eamag Dhòmhnallach. Bithidh sinn taingeil gu Migi gu bràth airson an sgeulachd aige a cho-roinneadh leinn. 'S e oighreachd prìseil a th'ann a thug e dhuinn uile. Clach air a chàrn.


Bradan Press is sad to hear that Mickey MacNeil (Mìcheal Eòin Chaluim Sheumais Mhóir) has passed away. As the NS Office of Gaelic Affairs wrote, "With his kindness and light heartedness, Mickey would be a fixture at Gaelic community gatherings. And he would always be ready and willing to share a song or a story. By way of mentoring many other Gaels in our community, he assisted in big and small ways in preserving Gaelic language and cultural expression in Nova Scotia through his gentle presence and treasure of cultural heritage."

In 2021 we had the opportunity to work with Mickey and Dr. Shamus Y. MacDonald on a story that Mickey learned from his mother, his favourite story: Luran and the Mermaid. We made a book out of his story together, with illustrations by Emily MacDonald. We'll forever be grateful to Mickey for sharing his story with us. It's a precious inheritance that he gave to us all. We'll always remember him.
✨Spring 2024 Title Spotlight✨

One of our forthcoming Spring 2024 titles is Na Trì Mucan Beaga | The Three Pigs! Once there were three little pigs who left their mama to build new houses of their own. The first little pig built a house with straw, and the second little pig built a house with gorse twigs, but the Big Bad Wolf blew them down and ate up the little pigs! The third little pig built a house with bricks, and the Big Bad Wolf couldn’t blow it down. So he started playing tricks on the third little pig in order to catch him and eat him—but the pig was just as cunning as the wolf! Who will emerge victorious, and who will be eaten? A third fairytale translation with charming vintage illustrations, from the creator of Na Trì Mathain and A’ Chearc Bheag Ruadh.

Learn more about this book and the author in our newest blog post on!
The word of the week is Earrach | Spring!

We're getting some nicer weather which can only mean one thing: Spring is finally here in Alba Nuadh | Nova Scotia. We have an exciting season coming up full of new books, in-person vending, and more! Keep checking back with our social media and website to learn more.
If you haven't already, make sure you check out our selection of e-books on our website! We have e-book versions available of select titles for Kindles that you are able to purchase online. Shown above are just a few titles that we have available, see our full range of titles on our website!

#Scots #NovaScotia #speakgaelic #gàidhlig #gaelicns #gaelic #learngaelic
✨New Book and Author  Feature✨

Pangur is a black cat living happily with his family in Bern, a beautiful city in Switzerland – until they decide to return to Scotland. Pangur doesn’t believe in the land of fairies, and he doesn’t believe in Scotland either! But now he is a foreign cat in Stornoway in the Isle of Lewis, and the other cats are not being kind to him. Pangur decides to leave the island and return to Bern. Surely his family will return too when the autumn storms start…won’t they? Follow Pangur’s adventures across the country, escaping from one danger after the next, until he learns the importance of friends and family.

Bradan Press is delighted to be publishing An Cat Coigreach at the end of April 2024. Previously the book’s manuscript won the award for Làmh-sgìobhainn Neo-fhoillsichte as Fheàrr do Chloinn/Òigridh (Best Unpublished Manuscript for Children/Young People) in the Duaisean Litreachais / Gaelic Literature Awards 2022. In 2019, June Ghreumach won the Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award for Gaelic Children’s Fiction.

Read more about this author and book at!
Happy #tartanday! We’re celebrating today with our G is for Gael collection that highlights tartan and explains in detail about how tartan is important to Gaels. These books are available in French, English, and Gaelic!

#tartan #tartanday #novascotia #scotland #mìosnangàidheal #gaelic #gaelicculture #gaelicinns #gaeliclanguage
Announcing our newest Book Box! One of our newest books, Lisette of Louisbourg, was written by the same author of Iain of New Scotland! Margaret MacKay is a retired teacher living in rural Pictou County whose many creative interests include fibre arts, painting, gardening and photography. Her passion for sharing Nova Scotian history has led her to write the middle-grade novels Iain of New Scotland, set in 1773, and Lisette of Louisbourg, set in 1749.

We now have both Lisette of Louisbourg and Iain of New Scotland available in Book Box format on our website with a value of $35 BUT it is a 15% off deal! View the comments to learn more.
✨New Book Feature✨

Lisette of Louisbourg is a middle-grade novel by the Nova Scotian author of Iain of New Scotland is set in 1749 during the time when the British are handing the Fortress of Louisbourg back to the French.

When the convent where she has been living burns down, twelve-year-old orphan Lisette barely escapes with her life. The nuns think she died in the fire, and Lisette sees a chance to escape the drudgery of lacemaking under a cruel, greedy Mère Supérieure. She sets out alone to find the uncle who left her at the convent when she was six, yet things don’t go quite as she planned. When an opportunity arises to escape her troubles in France and start a new life at the Fortress of Louisbourg, clever and resourceful Lisette jumps at the chance. But is someone following her?

Lisette of Louisbourg is available to pre-order from Keep your eye out for MORE upcoming features!
Càisg shona! | Happy Easter!
As an early Easter surprise, we are releasing FOUR cover reveals for our 2024 Spring/Summer collections! Na Trì Mucan Beaga, An Cat Coigreach, Ás an Abhainn Mhóir: English-Gaelic Recipes from Pictou County, and Lisette of Louisbourg. These four books can now be pre-ordered from our site and previewed as well!

You can learn more about these new releases in our newest blog post linked in our bio. #gaelic #louisbourg #novascotia #indiepublisher
As we get closer to summer, we start to think of warmer weather, sunshine, and of course the story of Luran agus a'mhaighdeann-mhara | Luran and the Mermaid!

This is the story of Luran, a farmer and fisherman who had cattle, sheep, and horses, and a good boat too. But one thing was bothering Luran: the fairies kept coming every night and stealing his animals. He didn’t know what to do. But one day when he was out fishing, a mermaid came to his boat! This tale is a favourite of Cape Breton Gaelic tradition bearer Mickey MacNeil. His ancestors brought this folktale from the Isle of Barra, Scotland, to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, 200 years ago.

You can learn more about this book and others on our website,!
The word of the week is Bradan!

Bradan means salmon and the salmon is part of many different stories in Gaelic culture including the story of Salmon of Knowledge. You can learn more about the word Bradan on our website under our "About" section or you can learn more about the Salmon of Knowledge through our interactive story book Fionn MacCool and the Salmon of Knowledge on our website (Both linked in the comment section)!
We’re excited to be here at Atlantic Entertainment Expo (@aexsocial ), right behind those windows in the photo! Come see us in the 2nd vendor room at the end of the hallway!
All set up, right on the water, and ready to sell you Gaelic & Celtic books at Atlantic Entertainment Expo (@aexsocial ) in Charlottetown, PEI this weekend!
Happy World Poetry Day!

Today we are celebrating UNESCO’s World Poetry Day, Là Bàrdachd na Cruinne, which happens every year on March 21st. World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression. Poetry and storytelling have of course always been important parts of the Gaelic culture, and Gaelic stories and poems hundreds of years old are still told and recited today as they have been passed down through generations of Gaels.

You can learn more about the above books, World Poetry Day, Là Bàrdachd na Cruinne and more over at in our newest blog post!
Today we are spotlighting some of our Gaelic poetry books! 📖 📚

We have 4 different poetry books available through our website - Bhon Phlateau dhan a' Chladach, Cridhe's Anam / Heart & Soul, Òr a Mhaireas / Lasting Gold, and of course Raithean airson Sireadh / Seasons for Seeking. These beautiful collections of poetry are all in Gaelic or in English telling poems and stories about the author's experience with Gaelic! You can find these books and more through our website under our poetry tab!
Là Fhéill Pàdraig sona dhuibh! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (In Scottish Gaelic!) In advance of St. Patrick’s Day 2024, we’re featuring our titles with significant Irish-language content! 

☘️ Lugh and the Fortress of the Gods is a bilingual English-Irish children's picture book that introduces kids to the Irish language. 

☘️ The Irish Gaelic Tattoo Handbook gives authentic words and phrases in Irish that you might want to use for a tattoo, crafts, or jewelry. The book also explains what not to do and shows some examples of permanent tattoo mistakes in Irish!

☘️ An Rós Fiáin is the Irish translation of the indie comic book series “Wild Rose” by award-winning Halifax author Nicola R. White. Set in 1790 Ireland and London, this graphic novel is just a bit spicy and suitable for ages 15+!
Pass some time this march break with trying out our audiobooks! We have a few different titles that are in an audiobook format available through our website under the “audiobooks” tab. 

Pictured above are a few examples of the titles we have! Learn more through the link in the comments. 

#audiobooks #smallbusiness #gaelic
Today is Latha Leabhraichean na Cruinne | World Book Day!! 📚

The first World Book Day in the UK and Ireland took place in 1997 to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading. In the UK all the schools usually have students dress up as a character from a book they like, so we thought we would share some pics of everybody on the team that worked on Anna Ruadh!

Celebrate today by reading your favourite Gaelic book or by taking a look at some of our books at! You can learn more about  Latha Leabhraichean na Cruinne | World Book Day on their website at
Today we’re revealing the cover for the first of our new Spring 2024 titles! Na Trì Mucan Beaga is the Gaelic translation of The Three Little Pigs, by Seumas R. MacDhòmhnaill (Dr. Jamie MacDonald), the translator of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Little Red Hen. Featuring vintage colour illustrations by Leonard Leslie Brooke.

You can learn more about this book, the author, and the upcoming launch on our website or our newest blog post both linked in the comments!
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Happy St. David's Day!

For more word and phrases in Welsh that you can use for a tattoo, jewelry, or crafts, have a look at THE WELSH TATTOO HANDBOOK published by Bradan Press!
*Swipe for English*

Nach tig sibh ann airson leughadh beò air Zoom bho Alba Nuadh. Leughaidh Emily NicEòghainn an leabhar Bana-Phrionnsa a' Phoca Phàipeir le Robert Munsch, air eadar-theangachadh gu Gàidhlig le Mòrag Anna NicNèill. Thèid an leughadh seo a thaisbeanadh le cead bho Annick Press.

Join us for a FREE Gaelic book reading on Zoom, live from Nova Scotia. Emily McEwan of Bradan Press will read aloud Bana-Phrionnsa a' Phoca Phàipeir, the Scottish Gaelic translation of The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. This book was translated into Gaelic by Mòrag Anna NicNèill. This reading is presented with permission from Annick Press.

Learn more at our Facebook event or sign up on eventbrite through the link in the comments!
Highland Games season is approaching us as spring weather starts to come! With that, it's Kate's time to shine again for the first time at her highland games. We have Disaster at the Highland Games available in both English and Gaelic; both are perfect for classrooms, reading out loud, and Gaelic learners. 

Both are available through our website or on our Amazon storefront; both can be accessed through the link in our bio! ✨📚

#Gaidhlig #indiepublishing #gaelicns #gaelicbooks #novascotia #gàidhlig
This week's word is... Grianach! | Sunny! The sun is finally coming out in Nova Scotia so hopefully, we can use this word all week long. If you want to read or learn more Gaelic, our website is open 24/7 with everything from children's stories to poetry in Scottish and Irish Gaelic!

Because hearing Gaelic is also as important as reading it, you can learn how to pronounce grianach through the link in the comments via

#Gaelic #Gaidhlig #novascotia #gàidhlig #indiepublishing #gaelicns #gaelicbooks #wordoftheweek
Have you signed up for our weekly newsletter yet? It will keep you informed about events, sales, new books, and anything else happening at Bradan Press. Our newsletter comes out weekly on Wednesdays--click the link in our bio for a sign-up link! Tapadh leibh!

#news #newsletter #gaelicns #novascotia #gaelic #gàidhlig #gaelicbooks #indypublishing
Happy World Gaelic Week From Bradan Press!

This week, February 19th – 25th 2024, is World Gaelic Week! Seachdain na Gàidhlig / World Gaelic Week, aims to raise the profile of Gaelic through community initiatives, projects and events. It provides the opportunity for both Gaelic speakers and those without the language to take part in a way that suits them. The theme for 2024 is ‘Your Language. Your Opportunity’ and the events this year to celebrate are focused on this theme. You can view more about Seachdain na Gàidhlig / World Gaelic Week events, information, and more on the Seachdain na Gàidhlig website or through our newest blog post on our website!
While we are almost out of February, Winter isn't quite done in Nova Scotia yet! One way that you can pass the time is with our adult colouring book, Fàilte! Fàilte is written by Gayle Weatherson and offers a wealth of Gaelic phrases and traditional proverbs, intricately decorated with flowers, foliage, birds, and beasts, and ready to colour. 

📚 You can view this book along with our others at

#canada #storytelling #learngaelic #speakgaelic #Gaelic #Gaidhlig #color #colour #colouringbooks #colouringbookforadults
This week's word is... Leugh | Read! This word is very fitting for us and we use it often. If you want to leugh/read some Gaelic, our website is open 24/7 with everything from children's stories to poetry in Scottish and Irish Gaelic!

Because hearing Gaelic is also as important as reading it, you can learn how to pronounce leugh through the link in the comments via Am Faclair Beag.

#Gaelic #Gaidhlig #novascotia #gàidhlig #indiepublishing #gaelicns #gaelicbooks #wordoftheweek
Today is Là nam Pòg! / Valentine's Day! The word of the day is Mo ghaol or My love; try it out today with your loved ones! You can also find more in today's blog post at or through the link in the comments.

Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
Teachers don't forget! We have French versions for two of our books; G is for Gael and for Fionn MacCool and the Salmon of Knowledge. Both these books showcase Gaelic culture in a grade-appropriate level. 

G is for Gaël (G is for Gael) is a first step for children and adults who wish to discover and understand Gaelic history, culture and identity in Nova Scotia. Through joyful illustrations and creative concepts, readers will explore and celebrate Gaelic identity. This booklet is intended for children, teachers, parents, grandparents and anyone else who wants to learn more about Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia.
Fionn MacCool et le saumon de la sagesse (Fionn MacCool and the Salmon of Knowledge)  is the tale of the great Gaelic hero Fionn MacCool and why he sucks his thumb. It is also the story of the Salmon of Knowledge on the Nova Scotia Gaelic flag. This tale is retold as a participation story with gestures corresponding to nine action words, making it perfect for reading aloud.
Nova Scotians are pretty sick of snow right now but we still want to share a word for the upcoming week: sneachd! Which means Snow. If you live in Nova Scotia then you might want to practice before our snowstorm on Tuesday and Wednesday ❄️☃️

You can hear how to pronounce this word through the link in the comments via Am Faclair Beag. If you want more Gaelic words, poetry, or stories you can always visit our website at!
Everyone at Bradan Press wants to wish you a happy World Read Aloud Day! We have always known it is important to share stories orally as well as through text; so we encourage you to read aloud to your classroom, children, or family today to celebrate. You can also celebrate by taking a look at our YouTube page where we have read-aloud versions of our books (linked in the comments)!

Want to change up your reading a bit but still read Gaelic books AND support a small business? We have a variety of graphic novels available in English, Scottish Gaelic, and Irish! Pictured here are some of Aonghas MacLeòid / Angus MacLeod's English and Gaelic graphic novels as well as Ròs Fiadhaich which has been recently translated into Irish as well titled An Rós Fiáin.

All of these wonderful graphic novels and more are available through our website as well as at our in-person vending events!
'S e DihAoine Bandcamp a th' ann! Today is Bandcamp Friday! If you buy an audiobook today, more of your money will go to the book creators! We have THREE different audio books available shown above. Go to to access and view all of our audio books. 

#Gaelic #Gaidhlig #bandcamp
15 hours ago

Today! An-diugh! Aujourd’hui!

1 day ago

Tomorrow! Am màireach!

1 day ago

Looking forward to visiting this new library branch and its fireplace art installation called "Clachairean" (Stonemasons) on Thursday, before the double book launch for Lisette of Louisbourg and Ás an Abhainn Mhóir: English-Gaelic Recipes from Pictou County at the McCulloch House Museum! My mother was once a school librarian, and my late mother-in-law came from Westville, so it fills my heart with gladness that Bradan Press books are in the Pictou-Antigonsh Regional Library collection! ~Emily

3 days ago

It's the Thanksgiving holiday today in Nova Scotia, but we're excited to see John Norman is at the Gaelic Books Council stall at Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail / The Royal National Mòd this week in Oban, Scotland! (We'd love to be there too, but we're happy that at least our books are there representing us!) 💙📚 (Writing this post in English so it has a hope of being seen by our followers--Facebook tends not to show our Gaelic-language posts to followers!)

4 days ago

Happy Thanksgiving! / Latha a' Bhuidheachais sona dhuibh! 🦃🇨🇦 Tha sinn taingeil dhuibh uile airson ur cuid taice an-diugh agus gach latha! We’re thankful to you all for your support, today and every day! ❤️📚

Biorachan Beag agus Biorachan Mòr in the "Sgeul" exhibit at National Library of Scotland #gaelic

1 year ago

Tha sinn air ar dòigh gu bheil an leabhar againn, Biorachan Beag agus Biorachan Mòr, anns an taisb...

An Rós Fiáin: A graphic novel in Irish

1 year ago

Bradan Press is going to translate & publish the graphic novel WILD ROSE in Irish (as Gaeilge)! Plea...

Book Launch: Cridhe 's Anam / Heart & Soul by Catriona NicÌomhair Parsons

1 year ago

The book launch for Catriona NicÌomhair Parsons' poetry collection took place on June 10, 2023 at t...

Book Launch: Na Trì Mathain by Seumas R. MacDhòmhnaill (Goldilocks & the Three Bears in Gaelic)

1 year ago

The book launch for Na Trì Mathain (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) took place on June 10, 2023 at ...

Ás a' Chamhanaich - Graphic Novel Audiobook

2 years ago

This is the audiobook edition of Ás a' Chamhanaich, the debut graphic novel in Scottish Gaelic by C...

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