Anna Ruadh Inspiration Celebrated in Local Paper

Sep 3, 2019 | Anne of Green Gables, Crowdfunding, Fiction

Lisa Doucet is a well-known book collector of Anne of Green Gables. In fact, Lisa was the one who first suggested we translate Anne of Green Gables into Gaelic! Lisa and her literary Anne collecting were celebrated in a recent article from the The Chronicle Herald.

Emily McEwan of Bradan Press previously interviewed Lisa, who is also a co-manager of a children’s bookstore in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, about how the idea arose to create a Scottish Gaelic translation of Anne of Green Gables in Atlantic Canada, what Gaelic means to Lisa, why she collects editions of Anne and other books by L. M. Montgomery:


Lisa Doucet, the first to suggest that Bradan Press translate Anne of Green Gables into Gaelic

Lisa Doucet, the first to suggest that Bradan Press translate Anne of Green Gables into Gaelic

