Happy Hallowe’en from Bradan Press!
Enjoy this excerpt from Lewis MacKinnon’s collection Ràithean airson Sireadh / Seasons for Seeking, available in paperback and as a beautiful audiobook.
In our audiobook, you can enjoy Saeed Foroughi on the hammered dulcimer, setar, harp, and flute, with Wayne MacIntyre on guitar. The Persian, Irish, and Scottish traditional and spiritual melodies that Foroughi and MacIntyre weave are accompanied by Lewis MacKinnon’s rich baritone as he reads the works of Rumi.
Cumaidh eagal a’ bhàis
agus na seach-mhallachd
an t-Samhainn
gach là
ar beatha;
Fear of death
and oblivion
keeps Halloween
every day of our lives;
earring bho “Oidhche Shamhna Bhith-Bhuan”
le Lodaidh MacFhionghain
Ràithean airson Sireadh / Seasons for Seeking
Clò a’ Bhradain, 2017 | Bradan Press