Thigibh an cuideachd Clò a’ Bhradain agus ùghdar Riel Nason airson an leabhar-cloinne ùr, Mòr-thubaist aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach, a chur air bhog BEÒ air loidhne!
Join Bradan Press and author Riel Nason for the launch of the Scottish Gaelic translation of the new children’s book Disaster at the Highland Games!
The launch will be held online on Wednesday, December 1st, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Atlantic. Join us on Facebook Live!
This is the Gaelic translation of Disaster at the Highland Games by award-winning Atlantic Canadian author Riel Nason, illustrated by Nathasha Pilotte, and translated by Mòrag Anna NicNèill. Kate loves going to Highland dance class each week and is thrilled when her teacher suggests she compete at the Highland Games for the first time. Kate agrees to practice, but quickly changes her mind when she finds out that dancing at home by herself is not as much fun as dancing with friends in her class. And, besides, she figures her dancing is already good enough. Everything will be fine. Or will it?
Is fìor thoigh le Ceit a bhith a’ dol gu clasaichean dannsa Gàidhealach gach seachdain agus tha i air a dòigh glan nuair a tha an tidsear aice a’ moladh dhi feuchainn air farpais aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach airson na ciad uarach. Tha Ceit ag aontachadh gun dèan i deasachadh. Ach tha i ag atharrachadh a h-inntinn gu luath nuair a tha i a’ faighinn a-mach nach eil e a leth cho spòrsail a bhith a’ dannsa leatha fhèin aig an taigh seach a bhith a’ dannsa còmhla ri a caraidean sa chlas. Cuideachd, tha i dhen bheachd gu bheil an dannsa aice math gu leòr mar a tha e. Bidh a h-uile càil ceart gu leòr…saoil nach bi?
Order your copy online today!

Riel Nason, author of Mòr-thubaist aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach (Disaster at the Highland Games)

Nathasha Pilotte, illustrator of Mòr-thubaist aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach (Disaster at the Highland Games, in Gaelic)

Mòrag Anna NicNèill, the Gaelic translator