Coupons for Book Reviews & Fall Events

Sep 13, 2023 | Reviews, Events

Review Bradan Press Books, Get a Discount Coupon

For everyone who has read one of our books: if you write an online review on Amazon or GoodReads, and send us a screenshot, we’ll send you a coupon for 20% off a future book purchase in the Bradan Press online shop (USA or Canada). What you have to say in the review is entirely up to you!

You can write a book review on Amazon, even if you didn’t buy the book there! To do that, you need to have an Amazon account and to have spent $50 there in the past 12 months. Details are here.

Amazon is a necessary evil for a small indie Canadian publisher. However, an Amazon book listing needs at least 10 reviews before Amazon will start suggesting it to customers, thus helping more readers discover it. After readers discover our books on Amazon, they may decide to order more of our books directly from us or from an indie bookstore. But that can’t happen if they never hear about our books at all!

If you’re not eligible to write an Amazon review or prefer not to, please consider writing a book review at Goodreads instead! Here are instructions for how to write a Goodreads review.

Either way, just send us a screenshot of your review to get a 20% discount coupon good for a book order at the Bradan Press online shop! You can send a screenshot through our Facebook page messages, or drop us a quick line through our Contact page to get the email address where you can send your review. What you say in the book review is entirely up to you and does not affect our offer.

Here are the titles for which we would especially love to see online reviews:




Mòran taing airson ur cuid taice! / Many thanks for your support!


Fall 2023 Events

Saturday, September 9 – Ships to Shore Genealogy Conference, Pictou, NS

Sat-Sun, September 16-17 – Ship Hector 250th Anniversary Celebration, Pictou, NS – Please note that we are keeping a close eye on the forecasts for Hurricane Lee

Sunday, September 24 – Possible pop-up in Dartmouth if Hurricane Lee doesn’t hit us like Fiona did; keep an eye on our social media!

Fri-Sun, October 20-22 – Gaelic College / Colaisde na Gàidhlig, Halloween Gaelic Immersion Weekend, Oidhche Shamhna Ghàidhealach, with classes offered for Beginner, Intermediate, and Fluent Speakers levels. St. Ann’s, Cape Breton Island, NS

Friday, October 27 – Social Studies Teachers Association Conference, Halifax, NS

Fri-Sun, October 27-29 – Hal-Con, Nova Centre, Halifax, NS

Fri-Sun, November 3–5 – Christmas at the Forum, Halifax Forum Multipurpose Room, Halifax, NS

Fri-Sun, November 17–19 – Acadia Craft Expo, Acadia University Athletics Complex, Wolfville, NS

Fri-Sun, December 8-10 – Gaelic College / Colaisde na Gàidhlig, Christmas Gaelic Immersion Weekend, An Nollaig Ghàidhealach, with classes offered for Beginner, Intermediate, and Fluent Speakers levels. St. Ann’s, Cape Breton Island, NS

Sat, December 9 – The Fantastic Grown-Up Book Fair, Royal Canadian Legion Truro, 42 Brunswick St., Truro, NS

As the season goes along, we’ll probably add more events, so please bookmark this post for later!

Check our Facebook and Instagram to keep updated on all of our latest news!


