An Rós Fiáin: Kickstarter Success

Sep 13, 2023 | Crowdfunding, Graphic Novels


The crowdfunding goal for the Irish-language graphic novel An Rós Fiáin has been reached! Míle buíochas / Mìle taing / A thousand thanks to all of our Kickstarter backers who are making this project possible!

The Kickstarter campaign ended successfully on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023. A new update has been posted on the site for backers; also see below.

Press coverage of An Rós Fiáin and the Kickstarter

We received some lovely press coverage for the graphic novel and the Kickstarter:

  •, an online Irish-language newspaper, covered the graphic novel and our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign
  • CBC News interviewed author Nicola R. White about the project
  • CBC Mainstreet NS talked to Bradan Press about our new Irish-language titles An Rós Fiáin and Lugh and the Fortress of the Gods, a bilingual children’s book
  • CBC News interviewed author Nicola R. White in 2018 about the original indie comic book series “Wild Rose” and its diverse group of characters

Recognition from Kickstarter

The campaign also received two kinds of special recognition from Kickstarter itself! The first was the designation of An Rós Fiáin as a “Project We Love” in the early days of the campaign. Kickstarter says “this is our way of highlighting brilliant examples of creativity.”


An Rós Fiáin is a Kickstarter


The second type of recognition was that the #KickstarterReads Twitter account named An Rós Fiáin as its “Comics Project of the Day” on Friday, September 8. This gave a great last-minute visibility boost to the campaign.

It’s very encouraging for a large English-language American crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter to recognize an Irish-language project!

What happens next:

1) Backers’ cards should have been charged by Kickstarter for the pledge amount when the campaign ended late Sunday night. Backers, please check your e-mail for a message confirming this. Occasionally a charge doesn’t go through, and Kickstarter will contact you about that. If you don’t see any e-mails at all, check spam!

2) VERY IMPORTANT: Backers, please add the Kickstarter e-mail address to your contacts list so you don’t miss future communications from us! (Also, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER and move any Kickstarter messages back to your in-box!)

3) Later this month, you will receive a VERY IMPORTANT e-mail backer “survey” from Bradan Press via BackerKit. You’ll need to answer the survey in order to confirm your reward(s) and give us your preferred email & shipping address.

4) If you’re receiving a physical reward—one or more paperback books—the BackerKit survey process is also where you’ll pay separately for the shipping. We’re keeping rates down by printing and shipping books within each country (and within the EU for Ireland). See the sample rates at the bottom of the Kickstarter An Rós Fiàin project page—we’re absorbing some of the cost to try to keep them reasonable!

5) As soon as possible in October 2023, we will finish lettering and proofreading An Rós Fiàin, upload the print files to our print-on-demand services, and create the ebook (digital) version.

6) When the books are ready, backers will receive an email with links to their digital reward(s), and if applicable, a notification that their physical rewards (paperback books) have shipped.

The process of backing a Kickstarter can seem weird if you’ve never done it before. If you have any questions, please reach out to us! Contact us through Facebook messages, Twitter DM, Kickstarter messages, or our website.

