Ás a’ Chamhanaich


Creatures magical and human, worlds strange and familiar, fantasy and a touch of horror. This debut graphic novel from Cape Breton author-artist Angus MacLeod is a collection of a dozen short tales in Gaelic. See details below.

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Creutairean draoidheil is daonnail, saoghalan céineach is aithnichte, fantasachd le fiamh uabhais. Sgrìobte ’sa Ghàidhlig, tha dusan sgeulachdan ghoirid ’sa chiad nobhail grafaig aig dealbhadair-sgrìobhadair Aonghas MacLeòid á Ceap Breatainn. Tha buaidh nan seann sgeulachdan, eachdraidh is seann chreideamhan a bhuineas do na Gàidheil agus mac-meanma an ùghdair ri ‘m faighinn ann an gach sgeul. Air an tarraing ann an dubh is geal.

Creatures magical and human, worlds strange and familiar, fantasy and a touch of horror. This debut graphic novel from Cape Breton author-artist Angus MacLeod is a collection of a dozen short tales in Gaelic. The tales are inspired by old stories, history and ancient beliefs of the Gaels, and the author’s imagination. Illustrated in black and white.


  • Paperback
  • 8.5 x 11 inches
  • 154 pages
  • Black and white
  • Printed in Canada
  • Published October 2021
  • ISBN 978-1-988747-65-1
  • Retail price CA $29.99 (USA $23.99)

Additional information

Weight .472 kg